Friday, November 7, 2008

Abby's Erotic Stories From College, Chapter 2

The sunlight poking in through the window woke me up all too soon and I groggily got ready for school. On my way out I almost tripped over the box sitting on my doorstep. It was plain brown and merely had ‘ABBY’ written on the front. I looked down the hallway but it was empty. I opened the box on my kitchen table and read the piece of paper inside.

"It’s a beautiful day in the sun is shining. Go lay out somewhere on campus and work on your tan. Be sure to find a cute guy and have him rub some suntan lotion on your back."

I was surprised that was all there was to the assignment until I looked to see what else was in the box. Inside was one of the tiniest bikinis I had ever seen. The bottoms were just a few strings joined together by a tiny triangle that might just barely cover up my pussy. The bikini top was just as revealing, thin strips of stretchy material that would cover up my nipples but leave plenty of boob hanging out on every side. Even worse, the fabric was white and practically see through.

"No fucking way," I said out loud as I threw the scandalous little bikini down and headed off to class.

I had trouble concentrating on anything my professors were saying all morning and at lunchtime I found myself back at my apartment eating a PB&J and staring at the teeny weeny bikini draped lewdly across my kitchen table. Being a member of that sorority really would take me far I thought. I’ve seen girls sunbathing on campus before, not in anything quite this revealing but some did have on thongs. The monologue in my brain continued.

I couldn’t tell you why, but it seemed like I was subconsciously trying to talk myself into it. By the end of my afternoon classes I was seriously considering going through with it. I imagined myself crawling back to my parents in Iowa next semester, no friends, no future.

I honestly couldn’t tell you whether it was the extreme loneliness I was trying to escape or the promise of all the favors and strings that would be pulled for me if I became a member of the sorority but when I arrived back at my apartment I was resolved to go through with it.

By the time I got back to campus I was having second thoughts. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and wore the sorority’s skimpy bikini underneath. I didn’t look at myself in the mirror when I put it on, afraid I would chicken out. When I found a parking spot I sat there for a long time blushing slightly, unsure whether I could really go through with it. Still, there was part of me trying to convince myself it wasn’t that big of a deal.

Its just a bikini, you’re not even going to be naked. You don’t know a soul here yet anyway, its just a bunch of strangers. After its over it will be almost like it never happened. It’s the perfect opportunity to try something daring, it might even be exciting. People go to topless beaches and nude beaches all the time, you’re just blowing this way out of proportion.

I told myself all these things but I didn’t really believe them. Still, part of me felt compelled not to turn back. I found a nice spot that was moderately secluded and arranged my towel and my things. I laid there for a while still in my t-shirt and shorts and read some of a novel I had brought with me. It was boring and after a while I decided it was now or never. There was a lull in the foot traffic along the sidewalk nearby and I took the opportunity to strip out of the t-shirt and shorts I was wearing and quickly laid back down on my stomach, hiding my half exposed boobs. I cradled my head in my folded arms trying to blot out the world. I’m not really here, I told myself.

With my eyes covered I couldn’t help but pay more attention to the sounds of passerbys. I could tell people were slowing down when they passed me. I could even hear a few of them stop. I could hear the comments the guys made as they passed me, the ones they wanted me to hear and the ones they thought I couldn’t hear too. At one point a fairly cute guy walked by and slowed down until he came to a complete stop right next to me, openly staring with no apparent sense of tact.

He was grinning like a little boy on Christmas morning and I was instantly annoyed with him. Nevertheless, I needed to ask someone to rub lotion on my back so I could be done with this silly task and go home.

The lotion was icy cold on my warm back and his touch was far from expert. Within a couple moments he started talking about himself as guys tend to do. I started to tune out when he gave my ass a sharp smack. I couldn’t believe it. He had lotion in his hand and started rubbing it into my butt. I opened my mouth to protest but was at a loss for words.

"Wouldn’t want that nice ass to get a sunburn," he said crudely.

He was kneading my ass cheeks way too enthusiastically and I was about to stop him when he started rubbing the excess lotion into my inner thighs. His finger brushed against my pussy lightly and the touch was electric. It was just then I realized my pussy was wet and I was embarrassed instantly, wondering if he could tell. I could feel my face burning. Before I could object he grew bolder and ran his finger gently down the outline of my pussy lips. It felt so good I nearly forgot where I was.

This had gone way too far. "Thanks, but I’ve really got to run, I’m going to be late for work," I stammered, rolled over and fumbled for my shorts and t-shirt. He got his first unobstructed view of my barely covered titties and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from them even for an instant, his mouth gaping open.

Putting my t-shirt on over my bikini top was like breaking a spell and he looked up confused, "You’re leaving?" he asked in disbelief.

"I’m sorry, I lost track of the time, I’ll see you around," I said and hurried off before he knew what hit him.

Back at my apartment I headed right to bed stripping off my t-shirt and shorts on the way. I caught myself in the hallway mirror and almost didn’t recognize the girl I saw. I always knew I had a good body but seeing myself in the mirror just then it dawned on me that I really had the power to drive men wild. I looked like some scantily clad model in a men’s magazine advertisement showing all of her curves and charms except for a few strategic square inches. My breasts were almost entirely exposed, spilling right out of the tiny bikini top and the material covering my nipples, damp with perspiration, had become even more see through. My nipples were hard and impossible to miss.

My eyes darted down between my legs and my face turned crimson. The tiny triangle of stretchy material between my legs was covered with a big wet spot and it clung to me so much you could make out the contours of my pussy lips. Waves of embarrassment took the place of the momentary sense of empowerment I had just felt and all I could think about was what the sorority sisters would ask me to do next!

PLEASE Leave Comments! The more comments I get the sooner I will write the next chapter!

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